
Suspended Floor – FM

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Suspended Floor – High impact wooden stud and rubber cradle suspended floor. Ln, w = 51 dB.



FM Rubber Cradle Suspended Floor

Suspended floor consiting of a sturdy wooden frame mounted on swivel cradle rubber floaters. The floaters support the frame and isolate and de-couple the floor from surrounding concrete and wall structures, greatly improving transmission loss and low frequency definition.

The false floor within and overlying the frame consists of a number of materials and boards stacked in sequence in order to provide further shock-absorbtion

Laminate floors, Vinyl floors, Parquet or carpeting may be fitted over the top floorboard.

Floor transmission loss: Depending on size of room, but slightly better than fibre-block suspended floors.

Applications: Home cinemas, listening rooms and media control rooms.

Please enquire for further details

Rubber Cradle Suspended Floor
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